
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:57:10
描述燕赵的风情的古诗词有哪些? 两首描写我国边疆风情的古诗, 描写我国边疆风情的古诗 英语条件句用现在完成时,主句用什么时态?although he has lived with us for years,he ____ us much impression.A.hadn't left B.didn't leaveC.doesn't leave D.hasn't left 哪一句诗能概括古诗的魅力 为什么不能说Can you make cake? 红神多少级才能学宇宙大爆炸啊就是秒队友的JN 请帮忙翻译成英文:虽然我们没有把握,但现在有很大的希望了. 我一点把握都没有 翻译成英语 is this mrs.brown"s ford yes ,it is .it"s ___(his/her) new ford.选哪个?为什么? 英语作文Which one is better,television or radio? mrs brown is not ( )her housework this evening括号填什么 Which is better,globalization or localization?写个英语作文字数150,四级水平,必须自己写!越快越好 英语作文,不少于8句 which do you think is better——a child or a adult i like all my lesson ,because we can learn a lot in them.此句中的in能否换成form 谁能给我一句古文,用来讽刺小人有人总是偷偷摸摸来拉拢我加入他们,我十分反感,但我想用一句话来告诫他们,做事要光明正大,偷偷摸摸是小人作为,总有一天会遭到应有惩罚 求This is a Man's World Christina Aguilera版的MP3!谢谢~ There´s a computer.room .There areThere´s a computer.room .There are many.computers Two boys are in the computer room.(保持句子意思不变) Two boys are in the computer room.(保持句子意思不变) ___ ___ two boys in the computer room. 现在完成时所用的动词时态是什么时态? 现在完成时时态问题the friendly relations and cooperation between our tow countries have been enhanced in the past few years上面的句子现在完成时的时态用的对吗?请指教下~是用have吗?不是has啊?还有we have had four tex 今年英语四级多少算过 对It’s my little brother.提问用Who is he?还是What is that? 帮忙算下2010四级分 能不能过听力选择对了14个 听写单词对了4个 句子没写快速阅读对了10个选词填空对了3个阅读对了7个 完形填空对了10个翻译算两个吧 作文一般 这样大概多少分 请问泰国的英文怎么写啊? "Friendship is like wine ,it gets better as it grows older."的含义是…… 英语作文:I like friends who are ready to help 求泰国情哥歌词翻译 Friend are like wine; the older,the better是什么意思?(好象是关于朋友的谚语) Friendship is like wine,it gets better as it grows older.哪爱情如饮料,越喝越甜 或爱情如巧克力,越吃越甜怎么说啊 心怎么折叠图解