
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 11:17:30
people live people die nothing lasts forever I thought you were the end of my story but we lost ...people live people die nothing lasts forever I thought you were the end of my story but we lost it close my eyes I hear the rainbow say i love you but. You Make Me Move 歌词 what time __ your father __ __ __意思为;你爸爸每天什么时候上班? aab+bc+c=cab每个字母代表什么数字 AAB乘以BC再乘以C等于CAB.ABC各等于多少 三角形ABC中,角ACB=90°,CB垂直于AB于D,设AC=b,BC=aAB=c,CD=h.求证:(1)1/a²+1/b²=1/h²(2)a+b<c+h(3)以a+b,h,c+h为边的三角形是直角三角形. 如图,在三角形abc中.角abc等于45度.aab垂直bc于d.点e在ab上.且de等于ac,求证角dec等于45度. 【单项选择】It is reported that more new teaching buildings()in our school next term.【单项选择】It is reported that more new teaching buildings()in our school next term.A.was built B.will built C.has built D.will be builtMy cousi The______is kind of cold in my city now.A,weather i need you to be my hero 是那首歌里的? We arrive home safe and sound.safe和sound在句中是表语还是主补.如果是主补为什么百度百科无此类型求助各位英语天才 ABC-AB.C=AAB.C,A=?;B=?;C=? 英汉互译 我们应该帮助那些需要帮助的孩子们 We should help the children —— —— ABC乘以C等于2004.怎么写 改病句General speaking ,the weather here is neither hot nor cold. Today is cloudy,neither too hot nor too the secret to getting from where you are to where you want to 这个能把理想 现实 加进去翻译么?就是说翻译的时候有现实和理想字眼啊! Where you go,i need you so!如上题! 求选!英语学霸! Where you are? I need you! Sometimes we teach our children the way () our parents have taught us.写啥? It’s time for us as parents to teach our children right way to dress.A.a; the B.the; a C.the; / D./; the 谁知道怎么改“We sometimes buy a cake for our parents"的同义句 Life is an illusion,but I need you 用collect,run ou of,know,store,raise填空如果我错了,1:Our class is organizing a talent show to (raise)money for charity.2:I need extra English lessons.Do you (know)a good English teacher?3:My hobby is (collecting)old coins.4:I didn't finish wr collect ,run out of ,skate,store,raise 麻烦各位了,急呀, 1.collect shells 2.collect stamps3.a pair of skate4.raise some money globe5.several skater意思6.run out of money 7.a monster snow globe 8、store books9、particulary 9、particulary 10、by the way 11、the capital of 12、over one thousand jews 1 sex up是什么意思? Good to be bad 邓紫棋的歌词 ti's so good to be bad good to be Do we have to talk with Jack about that matter?Yes,l thing we__-o we have to talk with Jack about that matter?Yes,l thing we__-should,can,could,maycan l keep this book for two more days?yes you__must,may,ought to,need working overtime是什么意思