来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:59:01
This frightened boy whose mother was lost in the disaster is looking for her 如题 "a formula for disaster" The old man told us his sad story,____(cry) The old man struggle to his leg……那个是his还是him?为什么him不行? The years have ________ the name of the old man,but not the story he told me.A) remainedB) completed C) obscuredD) lasted 选择哪个,为什么, 英语翻译【忆秦娥·别友】 与君别,思量一夜梅花谢.梅花谢,凄凉烟水,断桥斜月.盈盈微步凌波绝,寒风笑倚天涯阙.天涯阙,一声怅惋,一声悲咽. 请帮我翻译并评价这首词【江城子·秋夜感怀】 清秋孤寝月如钩. 更添着,许多愁. 烟云锦绣,残月照西楼. 百事念来都已尽,心怅惘,泪空流. 十年一觉恨悠悠. 断人肠,几时休. 繁华过后,春亦不温 英语翻译 菩萨蛮  清• 纳兰性德  雾窗寒对遥天暮,  暮天遥对寒窗雾.  花落正啼鸦,  鸦啼正落花.  袖罗垂影瘦,  瘦影垂罗袖.  风翦一丝红,  红丝一翦风.这首词 we will never know how great the love between jack&rose is if titanic have not been crashed. standard MARSEILLE RECIPE是什么 wash recipe的p发什么音发b?为什么 I've become good friends with several of the students in my school ______ I met.填 whom 盼望您明天下午14:00给个答复.thanks! 定语从句:my brother has become good friends with several of the students in the school ___...we called at the beginning of the term.定语从句填空:who,where,when,which,答案是which,为什么不可以是who?who=whom,为什么不可以是 求详解i've becomoe good friends with several of the students in my schooli've becomoe good friends with several of the students in my school _i met in the english sppech contest last yeara.who b.where c.when d which为什么不选WHEN呢? 单项选择I 've became good friends with severl of the student in my school ____I met in theEnglish speech contest last year A whoB whereC when D which 英语翻译我要的不是这种翻译,你可以进我打出的网站看看,我需要那种能唱出来的.直译的百度里就有,我干嘛还提问 听力里时有些词听不出来,所以想请教下该怎么办,红色处,You 'd have you'd likeyou'll gainwho'vecomponent of educationhere at our university颜色 标记没有了,上面的would,will,have,of,at这些词 为什么英语听力 我听每个词都很熟但是就是不知道含义背单词有什么技巧吗 再一些用英语怎么说听某人做某事用英语怎么说? 一些.其他.用英语怎么说 What do you go at the weekend?错在哪 Xiao Wang is always ready to help others. He is really _________living Lei Feng Comrade Lei Feng always ready to help others,becausehe though it a ( ).A.pleasure B.fun C.happiness D.happy Xiao Wang is always ready to help others.He's really___living Lei Feng.A:a B:an C:the D:/为什么正确答案是A:a,他真的是一个活雷锋,这个活雷锋应该是特指的啊,不应该用the么, 航空术语里,英文全称是什么 now you just somebody that i used to know这句话哪里有语法问题 Father usually _____(start)his work at 8:00 a.m.用括号内的适当形式填空 i usually start (work at 8 o'clock).划线提问 英语翻译仲夏欢恋 ( 仲夏野莓味)蜜语心扉 (香草味)蒙地卡罗 (香草、提拉米苏)爱琴海之舟(香草、草莓、芒果)这几个名字如何翻译..急用! India had the second ______population in the world. A.largest B.larger C.most D.smallest