
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:16:27
鼓励的英语单词怎么拼写啊? 英语单词选择People who refuse to____with the law will be punished.横线上填comply为什么不能用 obey 赞美别人的英语单词最好是外貌上一定是单词 赞美女性的英语单词要快点回答我..5该!1 英语单词如何区别?怎样选用?united与combined,disaster与suffering,chance与opportunity第一个回答者有奖励 几个英语单词选择(急!).( )1.souvenirs A.something for climbing( )2.ladder B.feeling thanks( )3.routes C.run quickly( )4.chase D.not afraid( )5.rush E.speak in a very low voice( )6.whisper F.run after( )7.grateful G.ways to go from one place t 选英语单词1.Although/But I like the food,I can't eat any more.2.We'll let you know as soon as/while we get home.3.While/When he calls,please tell him to meet me at the station.4.Call me until/before you leave.5.I won't do anything as soon as/unt 选择一个英语单词The officer ordered all the soldiers to stand in line and ( )to him attentively希望有解析A listening B is listening c listen D listened 圈一圈,选一选 (英语单词)例:gjl(captain)fe ____A_____A.首领 B.中心 C.D.漂亮bviuelsetnbhuA.文化 B.少许 C.方框 D.另外的就是在那些字母中圈出一个英语单词,并且这个英语单词的意思是下面ABCD中 问题的英语单词怎么写 英语词汇选择A make B catch C take D keep1 ___ the sun 2 ___some medicine 3 ___a thief 4 ___an excuse 5 ___fire 6 ___someone's eye 7 ___the money and run 英语单词拼写的问题!我们公司的合格证上面写着‘ouality pass’,请问有拼错吗 有关英语单词填空的问题(1)他是否是个美国人仍然是个秘密.:_____ ______ ______he is an American is still a secret.(2)请您给他捎个信儿好吗?Would you be kind ______ _______ _______a message to him? 高二英语单词拼写的问题1.We friends should trust each other and are always c____ about each other2.Learn to be p____ to others.Don't be taht rude.3.They wanted their front door p____ yellow.4.I have come to the c____ that it would be unwise 困难的英语单词怎么写 机遇和挑战这两个英语单词怎么拼写? 有关英语单词组词问题的挑战性问题The following sets of minimal pairs show that English /p/ and /b/ contrast in initial,medial,and final positions.(这个是例子:)Initial Medial Finalpit/bit rapid/rabid cap/cabFind similar sets 英语翻译1,3-Di(1-chlorovinyl)bicyclo[1.1.1]pentane (12).37 A mixtureof 11 (1.82 g,0.012 mol),hexachloroethane (5.66 g,0.024mol),and triphenylphosphine (6.27 g,0.025 mol) was slowlyheated to 100 °C under stirring.After 1 h,the reaction flaskwas a 高二英语单词填空.Don't put too much p_______ on the child.He may not stand it.A lot of work now is t______ or part time.It shows that a k______ of first aid can make a real difference.The police confirmed that the murder victim had been p____ 高二英语单词填空.1.They use special c_______ to accelerate the growth of crops.2.The boy claimed(声称)to have been a v_______ of child abuse(虐待儿童).3.Run some water into the b_______ and wash your face and hands properly. 背英语单词最快的方法 背英语单词最快的方法是什么啊? 有背英语单词快的方法吗 背英语单词背的快的方法 背英语单词最快效果最好的方法.实际点的啊! 怎么背英语单词比较快 背英语单词方法, 求背英语单词的方法啊 求背英语单词的方法本人现高二党,英语一直托后退,求背英语的好方法. 求快速背英语单词的方法 有哪些能快速背英语单词的方法 怎么才能快速背英语单词?