
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:06:47
There __ (use) to be beautiful flowers here.正确应填什么? there used to be an old ciname here,()/()()?反义疑问句 若a与b均为单位向量,下列命题为真命题的是A:a=b B:a*b=1C:若a\\b则a=b D:|a|²=|b|² ______ going to a movie tonight?it's a good idea.A why not B would you like C what about 求理由! 小新一家7月份支出中,通讯费约占总支出的1/6,用于餐饮水果方面的支出约占总支出的1/4,这两项支出约占总支出的[ ] everyone knows _he is a good studenteveryone knows _TOM is a good studentA what B ifC /请问选哪个?理由是 everybody knows that xutong is a good student同义句 The baloons are flying away.翻译成汉语怎么说. 一楼跑到三楼4分钟,如果从一楼跑到6楼要几分钟 李明从一楼走到三楼用去了30秒,当他从三楼到六楼用去( )秒算法。 小明从一楼跑到三楼用了2分钟,那么从一楼到六楼,需要几分钟? is,to,she,going,Tv,watch.连词成句 ride,you,can,fast?连词成句 can i eat some bread?否定回答 how do she get to the station yesterday错哪了 连词成句:the flying are birds 一道limit的数学题,立即送分(我有答案,问题在这里:答对立即送上一百分,(请给出详细步骤)兴许有额外送分. 续签加拿大study permit,visa我的study permit6月18号过期,entry-visa7月18号过期.我已经订好回国的机票了,7月2号走9月1号回来加拿大.请问study permit怎么续签好?是上网签好?还是拿去大使馆签呢?我在多 第一大题第七小题的第一小题 Visa and residence permit statement表格应该用大写还是小写填写 乘某城市的一种出租车起价为10元(即使路程在5km以内都付10元车费),达到或超过5km后,每增加1lm加价1.2元,(不足1部分按1km计),现某人乘这种出租车从甲地到乙地,支付车费17.2元,从甲地到乙 the ministry of civil affairs ∧ China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs says that the issue should be shelved for future settlement . I have two glasses of water in my bag.划线提问“two glasses of”_______ _______ water do you have? 英语翻译"Loving a child is a circular[A1] business.The more you give,the more you get,the more you want to give." Penelapy Leach once said.What she said proves to be[A2] true of my blooded family[A1]Circular 循环的 [A2]Prove to be 结果是; The information highway will have an unimaginable impact on die way people communicate with eac什么 英语翻译 如何提高搜索效率 试管婴儿取卵后注意哪些 翻译all people don't support 英语翻译可是我们老师说这是部分否定。 有长8厘米,6厘米,4厘米的木棒各4根,做一个长方体框架,长方体最小占地面积为多少平方厘米,最大占地面积是多少平方厘米? 初一生物,一定采纳 初一生物学,急,给采纳