
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:03:06
对划线部分提问 划线是Canada Della is from Canada._____ is对划线部分提问划线是CanadaDella is from Canada._____ is Della from 尔雅通识课怎么快速看完,以前的方法貌似都不好使了,有没有最新的方法 There is no noise in the south(打一地名) There’s no noise in the south.描述的是什么地名 猜地名:1 It's safe in the west.2 There's no noise in the south .3 Two fat men stand together. Would you please to read thid for us.(改错) 看尔雅课西方文明通论需要提什么问题 更换一个字母,使单词变成另一个你学过的单词. 例子:cat——cut( 1 )near ——________ ( 2 )yes ——________ ( 3 )plane ——________ ( 4 )tea ——________ ( 5 )cook ——________ ( 6 )thank 下面2个英语句子都有错,请改正1、He opened the radio and listened to the news.2、How many knifes are there in the box? 英语:下面的句子是对还是错?错的请改正Are these your friend?Right and wrong That is my cousin Right and wrong分数弄错了- - 要分的快来。 I dont know the way .How about ____liu TaoA ask B asking C asks Not at all和It doesn’t的区别告诉下如:A I’m sorry I have broken your wathchB是说Not at all还是It doesn’t matter South-South 是正南方的意思吗? 为什么是:…teach you Englishi,而不是…teach your English.求解 1、But why__________some bananas?A.not buy B.don't C.not you buy D.don't2、__________fine day it is today!A.How B.What C.How a D.What a3Q了! 英语翻译为什么teach me math?为什么用me?而不是用my? 怎么用rose换一个字母变成其他单词,然后写上意思..快 lt's( )today let's make a( )在括号里填好, A:lt's very windy today.B:yes,on your (). But we played ice honkey on frozen ponds.翻译But we played ice honkey on frozen ponds.Not inside like the kids today. 把tie这个单词改一个字母使其成为另一个单词2种答案 tie改其中一个字母能变成什么词123123 快乐来自于 (坚持、爱心、成功、梦想)四选一. 带kan的成语或歇后语 有dao(四声)音的成语 am,is,are的现在分词和单三. Is的现在分词 请帮忙起一个英文名,给人印象文静甜美优雅的.中文名是 侯璐宜. 请达人翻译.let's have a picnic today tom was playing computer games( ). Hobo,today is halloween.Great!Let's celebrate.What are you doing?翻译 美国首都在哪个州?有多少人口?面积有多大?有什么景点和美食?