
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 09:09:11
rebecca怎么读 try to persuade sb. to do与try to persuade sb.into doing的区别? In order to change attitudes ____ employing women,the government is bringing _____ new laws.A to;aboutB towards;in The government plans to bring in new laws _____ parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children.A.forced B.forcing C.to be forced D.having forced 帮我取个和中文名接近的英文名,我的中文名是龙强(long qiang) 我叫李凤英,相取一个和自己中文名接近的英文名字, 著名作家写的亲情类的文章和托物言志类的文章各10篇著名作家写的,最好是有名的. 关于跨国婚姻,跨国婚姻好吗? How long does it take to get to school为什么要用take to.get to? WOULD you like something to eat? 求中文翻译 翻译:After that,all the members put what has been found together. The government from the people,for the people,by the people,should not perish from the earth!请翻译 The six blind men asked for money from people____by.A.passed B.who passed C.who were passed麻烦讲一讲! Tell your classmates which of new students you like best中文翻译 韩国语“嗨”和“再见”怎么说? 韩国语中的再见有几种读法?每种说法是什么意思用在那里?(请标一下读音,我只知道:안녕히 가세요!(主人说的) 안녕히 계세요!(客人说的)请问 韩国再见怎么说 再见 荷兰语怎么说 麻烦加上中文读法如题,随便还有 周末愉快,也帮忙加上中文标注, The government has granted them a long-term _____.a)loanb)credit选哪一个?为什么? the government had_____them permission to leave the countrya.granted b.admitted c.answered d.promised For several years this group (has been trying) to get the city government to help bicycle riders.为什么括号中用has been trying,而不是has tried? 用英语比较级介绍自己的一个朋友. 还有用比较级介绍自己的家人. 不要网上抄的. 要著名作家写的描写人物的文章,600字左右,不能超出700字.不要教科书上的或经常出现也不要人人都知道的文章.背影 小桔灯更 不要!写人文章! 运用人物描写和景物描写的方法写一篇500字作文! 有哪些著名作家写人的文章? 文曲星电子词典e700看了一款文曲星E700,但是不知道它具体在大家使用中的,评价怎么样,希望给些建议. 关于 电子词典 文曲星 E700我要马上出国,去美国.英语对我来说是一大难题,我正在学英语,想买一个文曲星,看见文曲星分类好多 不知道自己适合买哪款.我想要一个字典全一点的 带真人发音的 We have many sports c____:basket,volleyball and m____.(根据句意及首字母提示不全对话)____play volleyball this aftrnoon.That ___ great.根据句意及首字母提示补全对话 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子.I have a nice w_______. l have a volleyball怎么改成复数句 (1)I ___(not have) a volleyball,___the____(have) one?(2)__Mike__(have) a computer Do some conductors conduct better than other?最好能用英文解释!谢谢啊!